I'm an advocate for others' wellness.
To take action.
To grow.
To heal.
Kelley started her career in advertising with an undergraduate degree in Public Relations, shifting to a non-profit management background based in Washington, D.C. Eventually, she would branch out nationally to support causes most dear to her. Her career transitioned after meeting her husband, a 26 1/2 year veteran of federal law enforcement. She began serving public safety professionally in 2012 as the co-founder of BP101Fund, a non-profit organization that supports Tucson Sector Border Patrol families while remembering and celebrating the lives of their fallen agents.
During her 20-year marriage, she's navigated several critical incidents and stressful situations with her husband's career. The most life-changing was in 2018 when her husband was involved in a line-of-duty shooting and survived. In 2019, Kelley decided to help families like hers deal with the trauma of death or injury by serving as Southern Community Liaison to the 100 Club of Arizona. That's where she helped to re-establish the Southern Arizona Regional Peer Support Team. Kelley has completed many resiliency and suicide prevention trainings and has obtained her certificate in suicide intervention called Question, Persuade, and Refer (QPR) and her advanced certification in Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) and serves as an International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF) instructor for group and individual intervention.
In 2020, through the 100 Club, Kelley helped launch a successful state-wide law enforcement spouses support group facilitated by clinical oversight and continued to serve as a clinical facilitator for one of the groups now managed by the Erik Hite Foundation. Additionally, Kelley is 4Tucson's Government Domain First Responder Liaison and is chairman of their First Responder Blessing Breakfast. She supports the Arizona Rangers through her PR background and is a nationally recognized trainer on resilience, trauma, and crisis management. Kelley served her clinical internship at Sierra Tucson, working exclusively with veterans and first responders. Kelley holds additional certifications as a Symbus (TM) Assessment facilitator and a Rezilient Kidz (TM) facilitator.
She conducts training for first responders and their families to learn how to better communicate and heal from trauma and addiction. She travels within the United States to educate public safety departments and the public about subjects like maladaptive coping, resilience, post-traumatic growth, and how the body' operates both a psychological stress response and a physiological stress response through the Polyvagal Nervous system. In 2022, with a team of others in the clinical field, she launched the Arizona Summit, a national conference on mental health and wellness for those who work in public safety and the clinicians who serve them. Kelley is the co-founder of K2 Critical Solutions, which brings over 30 years of mental health & peer support experience serving public safety, specializing in debriefings, diffusings & educational presentations.
Kelley is an honors graduate of Liberty University with a master's in Addiction Counseling. She is currently pursuing a doctorate in psychology from Liberty University, with a focus on the intersection of trauma and habitual maladaptive coping. Kelley attributes her wellness to hard work and the support she received from her husband's agency, friends, family, and primarily her faith. She also greatly recognizes the benefit her family received from the counseling of a trauma specialist.
Kelley's passion for working with first responder individuals, couples, and families has brought her to Thrive with Chaos as lead therapist. Kelley is an EMDR trained Addiction Counselor and a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional utilizing Motivational Interviewing, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Somatic Awareness, and Person-Centered approaches to assist individuals and group formats.
I look at the world in curious and progressive ways. I foster resilience in others and teach, challenge & inspire them to lead healthy lives.
If you're looking for a thoughtful, caring advocate for yourself or others' wellness and want to move toward action; you can count on me.
I'm committed to learn what is uniquely important to the individual & engage to work toward personally meaningful & life-giving healing.
Message Kelley if you are interested in reaching out to her for counseling, training or a speaking engagement!